If God loves everyone does that mean He has no Judgement?

2019-06-24 2:22 am

UPDATE: I meant, if God loves everyone the same then either He loves the good and the bad with equal passion, or He cannot distinguish between the two. Either way it creates a conundrum. If God loves good people and bad people the same how can He then take behavior into consideration? If a bad/evil person is told all their lives that God loves them as much as a righteous person, then they are free to do evil without incurring the wrath or God.

回答 (15)

2019-06-24 2:46 am
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This is false. God does not love everyone. God does not love evil. Aside from evil, God loves all, it is only a matter of discovery of his or her presence along with building a relationship before entering his/her kingdom(or queendom if you may, Haha) aka the after life. That being said, God judges his/herself substantially...so why not judge a vision of your own creation(angels)? It was said God created angels before mankind. God is judgemental.
You have two people God judges.

1 man going on a killing spree targeting innocents and the other going from state to state preaching to the entire continent to spread the knowledge of his or her existence.

Now God will be judging both individuals. Who do you think gets the good judgement & blessings and who do you think will be damned to hell.

Everyone is evaluated as God evaluates him/herself.
參考: I used to preach about the word of God and have had spiritual encounters in my sleep(dreams). I used to have a wicked heart. Living life and slowly beginning to change my ways allowed me to learn more about good thus leading me to learn more about God and establishing a relationship with her/him later. Only Lost souls trying to find a way and true believers can hear and sometimes see God. The wicked cannot see or hear God. They must first change their ways.
2019-06-24 2:28 am
That sounds as if it's being asked by a doubter... Jon, is that you?
So good that we have Fireball her to add wisdom to the situation.

Why do people think that they know the mind of God?
And how do they think they know it?
2019-06-24 2:29 am
The Duke of Dorgenburg loves everyone in his Duchy, and he demonstrates his love by chopping of the little fingers of their left hands.

God's love is similar to that in that it's beyond human understanding. In other words, the word "love" should not be used because it is absolutely nothing like the meaning of the word that humans use.

Keep in mind that I'm describing the love that is attributed to the fictional character in the Bible.

So, in a similar way, "judgement" is beyond your ability to understand.
2019-06-24 2:23 am
2019-06-24 3:59 am
He loves everyone, but not everyone chooses to love Him. He will judge the just and the unjust. Each of us will be held accountable.
2019-06-24 3:08 am
I always thought that it meant He reserves judgment till your last day, to give you an equal chance.
2019-06-24 2:34 am
prove your god exists, first, then lets talk.
2020-07-01 3:31 am
Ask *any* decent parent whether the transgressions of the children need to be dealt with. And it's not because they are hated, but precisely because they are loved.
2020-04-13 7:49 am
God hates everyone. He let my friend die. So now I hate him to the core.
2019-06-24 9:45 am
No, it doesn't.

God does not hate anyone. If He did, Jesus would never have died for sinners. No one will go to Hell because of a God who doesn't love them. They will go to Hell because the reject God's love.

The cross will not be the worst thing that Jesus ever experiences. The fact that so many people will be lost for eternity even though He died to save them will be the worse for Him. Jesus weeps for the lost.
2019-06-24 8:40 am
The bible mentions two names that are people he hates . Therefore Jesus himself said that he will save everyone except the son of perdition , go figure , does this phrase only mean Satan. Or all idf Satan's followers as well
2019-06-24 6:50 am
The conditional nature of divine love for us - examples include:

“If ye keep my commandments, [then] ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.”

“If you keep not my commandments, [then] the love of the Father shall not continue with you.”

“If a man love me, [then] he will keep my words: and my Father will love him.”

“I love them that love me; and those that seek me … shall find me.”

“God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.”

The Lord “loveth those who will have him to be their God.”

“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
2019-06-24 5:28 am
There are so many references to the word judgment in the bible that it would be impossible to cover each one to find a meaning to the context its written in.

Most christian's are familiar with these scriptures regarding God's judgment or judgement's.

(Psa 1:5) Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

This judgement is NOT a reference to the ungodly and sinners but the righteous. We don't tend to think of the righteous being judged by God but only the unrighteous but that's not always the case.

(Psa 19:9) The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

The fear of the Lord means reverence or respect of the Lord NOT being afraid or scared of the Lord's judgments.

(Rom 1:32) Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of DEATH.

Death by sin came into this world through Adams sin (Rom 5:12)

We have all sinned before God (Rom 3:23) so this means we are all going to go to the grave and die in our bodies.

We can't escape death --- even believers in Christ are going to die. Of course death to an unsaved person (Rom 1:32 & Rom 6:23) means just that --- they will not have eternal life though the resurrection from the grave (1Cor 15:20-23, Eph 5:14, Phil 3:21 & Tit 1:2)

God's judgment of sin is death --- an eternal death never to exist anymore unless a person seeks salvation in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12 & 1Cor 15:1-4)

(John 3:16) For God so LOVED the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

This scripture is written to a unbelieving world to tell them they call be saved in Jesus Christ and escape the judgment of death.

Our Lord Jesus had victory over death in the grave through the resurrection (Acts 2:31 & 1Cor 15:55) If a person will believe this they will have victory over death in the grave as well.

(Rom 5:8) But God commendeth his LOVE toward us, in that, while we were YET SINNERS, Christ DIED for us.

Christians are not only sinners before they were saved but are still sinners after they are saved --- God's grace through faith in Christ (Eph 2:8-9) is the only way for us to be forgiven of our sins (Col 2:14)
參考: KJV 1611
2019-06-24 5:10 am
Jesus is judge.

Acts 10:40-42 (NRSV)
40 but God raised him on the third day and allowed him to appear, 41 not to all the people but to us who were chosen by God as witnesses, and who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. 42 He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one ordained by God as judge of the living and the dead.

John 5:22 (NRSV)
22 The Father judges no one but has given all judgment to the Son,
2019-06-24 2:29 am
No, love doesn't mean free of judgement. But eternal torment is certainly not justice.

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