Do you think that the Federal investigation into alleged money laundering at Duetche Bank has any long term implications for Donald Trump?

2019-06-23 2:32 am

回答 (5)

2019-06-23 3:54 am
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I don't think it has any long term implications for Duetche Bank.
AT MOST, it could, in theory, result in restrictions against the bank doing business with US companies and/or citizens.
2019-06-23 2:42 am
Only if it comes with real evidence that Trump was involved.
2019-06-23 2:49 am
No this is just more lies and fake news.
2019-06-23 2:41 am
2019-06-23 2:34 am
I really could care less, probably lib bs anyway. Pres Trump is doing a fantastic job!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:35:08
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