How come whenever you take a test they test you on things they don't teach you?

2019-06-23 1:25 am
Then they say, what you want me to teach you the test!? I want you to teach me the things you are going to test me on, yes...

回答 (4)

2019-06-23 1:56 am
I think you're confusing memorization of details with being able to comprehend, analyze and apply information. The last is what the Common Core Standards emphasize. For example, if you've learned that 2+2 equals 4, the old tests would have asked 2+2=? But the new tests will give you a situation- you have a couple of apples and your friend has the same number of apples. If you pool your apples, how many will you have?
2019-06-23 1:29 am
A test can be a spit-back of a section of a book or class or could test the concepts offered and require a more advanced answer. In colleges and universities, the main purpose is teaching people how to learn on their own and to apply concepts and knowledge. Younger grades are more frequently a test of memory.
2019-06-23 1:26 am
What test is this that doesn’t test you over material presented?
2019-06-23 1:27 am
It's been years since I've been in school, but we were taught before the test back then.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:42:53
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