Job opening, gave an applicant a time for an interview and the applicant replies "I cant come my day is packed" What to do Do they want job?

2019-06-22 11:28 pm

回答 (7)

2019-06-23 12:14 am
Reschedule the DAMN thing or if you can't accommodate them just say you can't acommodate you have to make a decision and wish them the best and move on to the next. Why are you in the business and can't seem to communicate? Wow!
2019-06-22 11:40 pm
When I've been offered an interview I have been asked if that time and date suggested was convenient for me.

Most interviewers understand people lead busy lives and have commitments they must fulfil.
2019-06-22 11:30 pm
Give them another day or time then, or move on to the next applicant. People are busy, especially if they already have another job and are looking to change positions. Many job seekers are in that position - it's kind of arrogant to suggest your priorities are the only ones in existence.
2019-06-24 3:37 am
Place their application in File 13 - TRASH CAN. There is NO need to even consider a person who doesn't have the time for an interview.....
2019-06-23 6:03 am
I'd shred the application and call the next person, its clear they think their time isd more important then yours
2019-06-23 3:57 am
If their resume or application looks real good, I'd offer one more possible date, then move on
2019-06-22 11:54 pm
Try to give them a different time if the job really wants to give the applicant a shot. Otherwise just tell them the job is no longer available. If there are even 2 other well qualified applicants I'd just move on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:36:29
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