請問以下這句話回答no意思是1.沒錯是女朋友所以沒辦法給你打電話2.不是女朋友?This time the customer is your girlfriend, so you are not convenient to call me?

2019-06-22 1:24 am

回答 (2)

2019-06-23 12:08 am
If positive answer of person, it is sure the customer is your girlfriend.
Otherwise for negative answer, it is not=no.
2019-06-22 2:14 am
2. No , 所以答案是2. 不是女朋友
2019-06-22 2:13 am
你的原句,除了句尾被YK+加上去的 問號以外,看不出是疑問句.所以不必回答.

This time the customer is your girlfriend, so you are not convenient to call me?


1.This time, is the customer your girlfriend, so you are not convenient to call me?
2.This time,the customer is your girlfriend, so are you not convenient to call me?
3.This time,is the customer your girlfriend, and are you not convenient to call me?

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