Does anyone really believe this obvious Gulf of Oman false flag?

2019-06-20 6:44 pm
How is it possible that people can be so stupid?

1. The hole on the tanker shown in the media is NOT a hole made by a Limpet mine! Limpet mines use a shaped charge to penetrate the hull. A shaped charge is a jet of molten metal piercing through the hull, and as such, the resulting hole looks molten through.

This is what a shaped charge penetration looks like:

And this is the hole left on the tanker:

In fact, the hole on that tanker looks more like a missile impact. The scorch marks around the impact site were created by the fuel of the missile burning after the impact.

2. The US now admit that they had an MQ-9 Reaper drone in the area, which is also the drone that supposed captured the footage of the Iranian boat that is all over the media. What was a US Reaper drone doing there? The MQ-9 Reaper is not used for general purpose surveillance, it is a recon/attack drone that usaully flies integrated with manned combat aircraft. And it can be armed with the AGM-114 Hellfire missile. Coincidentally, the hole on that tanker very closely resembles that of a Hellfire missile impact.

3. The Japanese crew of the tanker reports seeing flying objects in the sky at the time of the explosion. And we now know that the US had at least one MQ-9 Reaper in the area.

It is pretty obvious what happened here. It was not any Limpet mine, it was the US MQ-9 Reaper drone that attacked the tanker with a Hellfire missile. And now the US is blaming Iran, knowing full well that Iran would be the first to respond to the distress call. It is the Gulf of Tonkin incident all over again.

回答 (6)

2019-06-20 7:05 pm
The US has lied too many times to create a false path to war to be believable. Why would Iran attack oil tankers when the US is looking for a reason to go to war. The US pulled this in Vietnam, and in Iraq. They most recently tried and thankfully failed in Venezuela.
2019-06-20 7:01 pm
No. It's an obvious psyop to bolster the case for war

like the Syria "chemical attacks" that were fake
2019-06-20 6:54 pm
I don't. I have nothing really to say because your thoughts are precisely mine except more sophisticated.
2019-06-20 7:03 pm
Nationalism. America can do no wrong. Nationalism is the reason people buy into false flags.
2019-06-21 5:19 am
I would like to point out that Iran also has missiles capable of doing the same thing.
2019-06-20 9:42 pm
Naval weapons background. Cough it up. You sound informed.
Lets see how much. Or are you just full of it. Reciting words
you have seen. Let's see how close you come to disclosing
classified Information. You can't blow smoke up Up Tier one
through 6's *** or ODA SFOC A. We do and did this for a living.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:33:10
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