Will I get in trouble not going to jury duty in Georgia?

2019-06-19 6:17 am
I am 21 and never been to court in my life . But I hear jury duty is something as citizens we have to do . But I can’t attend mine since I’m not in state . But I am scared of going to jail because of it . Will I get in trouble if I don’t go or don’t say anything about it

回答 (12)

2019-06-19 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Just contact the courts and explain why you can not attend jury duty. I think they will understand.
2019-06-19 6:29 am
If you are out of state, you contact them and let them know your situation. They're not unreasonable.

If you've moved out of the area, they'll remove you from the list. If you're simply away for college or other reasons, they will reschedule you.
2019-06-19 7:27 am
Failure to appear when notified for jury duty is a serious offense. If, as you say, you are out of state at present (e.g. you're a student at a school out of state, or your employer has assigned you to another location temporarily), you must CALL the Clerk of the Court immediately upon receipt of notice to appear, and follow up with that court's procedures to get a deferral or delay for your jury duty until you return to the state.
2019-06-19 7:00 am
You absolutely will be held responsible. Could be fines to$1,000, 3 days in jail. Most courts can reschedule if you talk to them. But I guess you’ll go with the school of hard knocks plan. Soon you will be an expert on answering this question.
2019-06-19 6:40 am
Contact the jury commissioner and ask to be rescheduled.
2019-06-19 6:28 am
i would talk to thern about it, i once got jury duty after getting a plane ticket to go visit rny father where he was in a nursing horne, i told thern about it and they let rne not have to go
2019-06-20 11:53 am
You'll get in trouble if you just don't show up. If you're out of state, you'll need to contact the courthouse and let them know.
2019-06-19 6:28 am
you can get a waver if your reasons for not showing up are reasonable, but you have to apply for it, don't just not show up, you can go to jail
2019-06-19 6:26 am
Just call the courthouse and tell them you're out of the state. They'll quickly drop you from the list and that'll be the end of it.
2019-06-19 6:23 am
The letter you got tells you to do if you want to get excused. Follow the directions and you will be OK. Blow it off and you won't.
You'll probably get a fine. Call them, explain that you're not in the state. The worst thing can only happen if you don't try to communicate.
2019-06-19 6:18 am
oh yea, Judges don't like being ignored ..........................

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