Can I get a mortgage if I already have a £10,000 loan and a late payment marker?

2019-06-17 12:40 pm

回答 (4)

2019-06-17 7:37 pm
it would depend on: a) your income and b) how much of the £10k loan you have left to repair and c) your other commitments. However, a late payment marker will go against you.

Talk to a mortgage broker - they are the only ones who can answer this question accurately
2019-06-17 2:35 pm
Never happen......
2019-06-17 2:34 pm
Unlikely unless your income is sufficiently high.
2019-06-17 10:59 pm
Depends on your income and overall credit. You can repost the question with more details or just go to a bank and ask.
2019-06-17 7:07 pm
That depends on how much money you make, etc.

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