How would an escort feel if a client did not sleep with them?

2019-06-16 8:15 am

Would an escort not like that.

回答 (8)

2019-06-16 10:33 am
Not everyone calls an escort for sex, they’re cheaper than a therapist and sometimes they just want to talk
2019-06-16 9:18 am
Relieved. The kind of guys who use escorts do so because women don't want to spend time with them without getting paid.
2019-06-16 8:28 am
why would she get out of work early. As she gets paid for her time.
2019-06-16 8:27 am
As long as they were paid they would not care. Its a job not a romantic relationship
2019-06-16 8:25 am
Escorts rarely go to sleep with their clients. It would only happen if they are hired for a whole night by a very wealthy client. Who wants to pay all that money just to go to sleep?
2019-06-18 7:56 pm
Please beware of the STDs before you go to prostitutes or sleep around, especially INCURABLE very common HERPES (HSV2), Every 1 out of 6 People have it, since prostitutes and girls who sleep around have sex with so many, they are most likely to have it and this virus can be contracted even if you wear a condom

See below
Check for the sections TREATMENT and EPIDEMIOLOGY

Pls don't ruin your entire life for FEW MINUTES OF FUN, It's not worth it. Have one trusted partner for sex even it may take time to find a one
2019-06-17 11:25 am
As long as the client pays what was agreed, she would not care.
2019-06-16 8:18 am
she gets paid the same either way so i'm sure she would be glad to get out of work early.

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