Why do girls say I'm good looking but not hot ? How to be hot ? Please help me . What is the difference ??

2019-06-15 10:43 pm
I am 22 years old male. Many pretty girls and well as girls tell me that I am a really good looking guy. When I asked one pretty girl ( when she told me this ) if I am hot or not , she said no , you are good looking not hot. What is the difference ? Please help

回答 (9)

2019-06-15 10:54 pm
There shouldn't be a difference. She verbally abused you by saying that. How would she feel if you said that to her? I hope that telling you that didn't do any damage to your self-esteem. Good looking guys/girls don't have to prove or show that they are hot or sexy.
2019-06-17 9:32 am
If you want to be hot, get the body of a Greek god and exude massive confidence!

2019-06-16 12:27 am
Don’t act like a girl 1st u know it’s a good thing so don’t act like a lil bi#ch
2019-06-16 12:07 am
Good looking means nice to look at. Hot means you cause unholy urges in girls.

I learned, in my early teenage years, that it works differently for guys than it does for girls. That's because girls have what guys want, and yes I mean those endlessly amazing girl parts. Any girl can have any guy she wants any time she wants, just by saying yes, and even the ugly girls know that.

But unless a guy is filthy rich, no guy can have any girl he wants. (Some girls will call me a bastrd for mentioning filthy rich, but they won't call me a liar because they know I'm right.) Guys can't have sex just by saying yes, we have to work for it. In order for a guy to get laid, he needs to have a thing. You don't have a thing.

A thing is what sets you apart from all (or at least most) of the other guys. Being filthy rich is obviously a thing, because how else could Gene Simmons or Donald Trump get laid. Being extremely good looking is also a thing, but very few guys are that good looking. For everyone else in the male world, you gotta have a thing.

Are you good at something? Because being good at something counts as a thing. I was never good looking and I suck at sports (all of them), so I made being a rock star my thing. And it worked. A buddy of mine, also not good looking and also useless at sports, is an incredible cook. So he made that his thing, and it got him laid a few times.

You have to figure out your thing, because you totally need to have a thing.
2019-06-15 11:56 pm
Have you ever seen a PRETTY Girl with a HEAVY BODY?

That is Pretty, but NOT Hot or Sexy or Desirable to most guys.

I'm NOT Hot, Sexy or Handsome, so I MAKE girls feel HAPPY and SPECIAL to be around me and have LOTSA dates and sex.

WHAT you are and WHO you are, are 2 different things.
2019-06-15 10:51 pm
Hot guys don't approach random girls and ask if they are hot. You put her in an uncomfortable position so she gave you the answer that would make you go away without hitting on her. It's not hard to improve your appearance, especially if you are young. Hit the gym, dress better, and pay more attention to grooming and hygiene. As long as you can do the minimum to be polite, clean and in decent health you can find women who will hook up with you. The bar is pretty low for men and you need to stop wasting your energy obsessing about being perfect.
2019-06-15 10:49 pm
If these "pretty girls" are your friends they're not likely to tell you you're hot lest you think they want to date you (and that would ruin the friendship). But being "hot" vs. being "good looking" often comes down to attitude. If you have a pleasant look but no edginess, humor or personality you wouldn't be "hot" to many people.
2019-06-15 10:47 pm
You’re not sexy.
2019-06-16 12:00 am
OMG!! Could people BE more stupid? That is meaningless, even though it is all 'blah blah blah in the eye of the beholder blah blah blah' - it is the most meaningless thing ever. None of it will matter. You'll end up the same in the end, with a girl who doesn't love you, never did, and never will. Forget about that BS, work on your career, go places, have hook-ups with girls that think you're into them, but above please don't giveashit about what they think. Its meaningless!!

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