how much does this tattoo approximately cost?

2019-06-14 3:22 am
I know it depends on the shop and where you live and I how much hours it will take but how much does a tattoo like this one cost on average?

回答 (4)

2019-06-14 3:51 am
A great example of "more money than brains". The politicians are always trying to buy votes by asserting that wages are too low, minimum wage must be increased, etc. Which would not only create inflation, but give knuckleheads more money to waste on tatts, piercings, beard trimmings, motorcycles, games, drones and other useless crap the marketers push on us. The more stupid things like tatts you see, the more you realize that wages are TOO high.
2019-06-14 3:26 am
If you aren't paying hundreds for it, don't get it. A cheap tattoo looks like s#it after a few years.
2019-06-15 5:39 am
Depends on how long it will take as most inkers charge per hour, some ask more for larger pieces.
2019-06-14 3:26 am
If its not a "known" artists, maybe $2,500

But that looks like very high quality work, so you can at least double that number to get someone who could replicate that level of skill.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:10:59
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