If a Chinese person googles something in Hong Kong that is forbidden in China would they be arrested back in China?

2019-06-13 11:25 pm

Make sure you read ...in Hong Kong

回答 (12)

2019-07-06 1:23 am

I lived and worked in Hong Kong for seven years until last December.

Hong Kong has a separate legal system and different laws to the PRC. Google is widely used every day by almost all online HK residents, and there is no legal penalty. I also never encountered any online censorship: I don’t claim it does not happen. I just never experienced it.

But the question was whether the PRC would arrest a HK citizen if they entered PRC and were known to have viewed “banned” content. The answer is a plain and simple “No”.

Lots of laws are different between PRC and HK: one glaring example is that in the PRC the Falun Gong movement is illegal and forbidden. But in HK it’s not, and Falun Gong operates openly within the laws of HK as long as they do not break other laws regarding threats of harm to others or incitement break any laws.

I’m not comfortable with the proposed extradition law from HK to PRC because I have not scrutinised it. But a lot of silly claims have been made about it.
2019-07-11 12:57 pm
The Communist Party will say yes. Non-Communist Hong Kong say no. If Hong Kong resistance
is liquidated the Chinese Communist Part would survive the economic loss and find less political
resistance in Asia.
2019-06-13 11:26 pm
it just would not show-up ...............
2019-06-17 1:37 am
No! they will be send to Canada
2019-09-21 9:47 pm
No, they would be fine. They could even do that in their home back in mainland China as along as they have a VPN. It is very common in China, this is why you see so many comments written in simplified Chinese on YouTube, they were made by Mainlanders.
2019-07-11 5:41 am
I do not think you will get arrested in China unless you are disrupting the social harmony. I doubt you are going to get arrested for simply accessing a site. when I am in China I watch porn via a vpn and have never had police bother me. Groups such as Falun Gong get into trouble because they are telling people to rise up against the government. if you were in the USA and you were calling for the overthrow of the government you would likely have someone monitoring you. If the Chinese government does not want you to access something then they will censor it via the Great Firewall.
2019-06-22 8:04 am
Not arrest, re-educated.
2019-06-22 4:06 am
If the extradition bill is passed: YES!
2019-06-13 11:43 pm
i would hope not
2019-07-03 6:26 am
They would probably be arrested just for using Google. Regardless of what they searched for. If they want to stay out of re-education camp they should stick to searching for things on Baidu.
2019-06-15 4:40 am
Hong Kong is a part of China ..same country , two systems ...
2019-06-14 5:07 am
The ignorance and stupidity of some Chinese students. I've seen them deny that Tiananmen square massacre even happened and walk out of the class. So who knows what the censer would do. Most Chinese are stupid and ignorant.

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