How to continue trying to find a job when you have lost hope?

2019-06-11 10:59 pm
I really hate my job and don't want to work there anymore but can't quit without finding another one because I got bills to pay. The problem is I applied for 25 jobs in the past 2 weeks and got rejected 25 times. Not after being interviewed but being denied to be interviewed. I feel really hopeless about my current situation.

回答 (14)

2019-06-12 10:48 am
when one door closes another door open keep your head up you will find something better I see it happening already
2019-06-12 1:56 am
Not quitting your current job is smart because finding a new job is always easier while you are employed.

Getting your resume professionally tweaked was also smart.

Here are a couple of suggestions you may not have yet considered:

1. Hire a head-hunter.

Many firms that perform a job search for you do not require up-front payment and get re - imburst from a percentage of your paycheck after finding you your dream job.

2. Update your skills

Working a dead-end job can be a real buzzkill, but what’s worse is moving from one dead-end job into another!

Instead, look into getting training you need to move into a job that you will enjoy and find fulfilling. There’s vocational training, community college, and online schools that offer certificates, degrees, nano-degress, etc.

3. Start your own business

Starting your own business can be risky as well as expensive, but if you have a solid plan and sufficient drive being your own boss might be exactly what the doctor ordered.

People make fortunes starting their own business in roofing, flooring, painting, sheet-rock work, installing doors/windows, french drains, restaurants, etc.

If you truly want to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT now is the time to put your imagination to use!

Good luck!
2019-06-16 9:39 am
Make your own business while you try to find a job. Do anything good and honest you can do to put cash in your pocket or toward a new career. From that success will come more success.
2019-06-14 8:39 am
All you can do is keep trying it is never hopeless
2019-06-14 4:32 am
Volunteer first
2019-06-14 1:38 am
Maybe 25 in that period of time is too much? Focus on individual job adverts, allow yourself time to think clearly about each. Rather than casting a wide net hoping to leap from the frying pan. After all you may end up jumping into the fire.

Unfortunately you just need to stick it out, give yourself time for go for jobs that are appealing and financially viable. Maybe if you're generally passionate about a job (as opposed to casting a wide net) you may put forward a better version of yourself as an employer. Also if you're using the same application or CV in all 25 applications, maybe you need to revise it.

I wish you the absolute best in finding a new job. You will find one eventually, fingers crossed.
2019-06-13 2:30 am
go to counsellor
2019-06-12 1:32 pm
We all have jobs that we don't like but you gotta pay the bills it's life. Just do some soul searching in your free time/ see if you can take some time off for it. Find out what you are truly passionate about and make a plan to work towards it. You don't have to have this job forever if you do things to work towards your passion and do something bigger. Also, in the meantime try hanging out with some of your coworkers outside of work. maybe becoming friends with the people you work with will make it less stressful.
2019-06-12 9:42 am
I spent months job hunting, couldn’t get any job, now I have one, DO NOT give up.
2019-06-11 11:54 pm
well, additional questions are to be asked in real life, in your area.
you may have to either stick to your job - or move to another place...
and/ or strive to improve your qualifications in order to improve your chances to get a better , decent job.
2019-06-11 11:32 pm
all you can do is keep looking or stay at the job your currently at
2019-06-13 2:23 pm
I was in your position but now it’s sorted and I have a job, I was told not to give up and I didn’t
2019-06-11 11:19 pm
Lost hope?
If you applied for 25 jobs and you were removed from consideration from 25 jobs, there is one of two issues going on. Either:
1. you are applying for jobs you are not qualified for
2. your application &/or resume do not adequately show your qualifications.

If you know you are applying for jobs that you are qualified for, fix your resume.
If you are randomly picking jobs and throwing a dart at a dart board aimlessly, start doing a professional job search.
2019-06-11 11:01 pm
Realize you are broke or going broke and you have no money to do anything. Thats gonna push you to find a job hopefully
2019-06-12 1:40 am
Move to North Dakota, 2 percent unemployment rate.

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