Should I go to Urgent Care/ER?

2019-06-11 1:54 pm
I recently received a deep laceration on my left arm, deep enough to see the tendon/bone I believe. Had circumstances been different, I would have called 911, but it was not a good time for that. I have been cleaning it and covering it pretty well, but I m concerned as to how it will heal if I don t get stitches. I m also leaving for Seattle in a day or two and I am also concerned about infection. If details about the cut are needed, there are two deep cuts right next to each other, each leaving some solid light colored thing exposed.Each are about 1 inch in length, with a small strand of skin left between(seems like stitches would be difficult). What should I do in this situation? Should I treat it like I would with any cut and hope it heals, or is this a problem?

回答 (2)

2019-06-11 1:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Stitches are to stop bleeding . If the bleeding has stopped and there are no signs of infection you don't need medical treatment .

If you are concerned about it opening , tape it shut .
2019-06-11 2:04 pm
You only have a short time period to get the outside sutured after the original injury, however if there is tendeon, sheath or ligimant or muscle damage they may have to be surgically repaired on the deeper parts then help close the outer wound. Stitches are there to control the bleeding and make sure that inner tissues have been put back in their correct place, and obviously the skin above the wound. if you uncover the wound does the skin sit closed in a natural position or is there a gap? If the wound is gaping and you have to pull it and hold it closed it needs to be sutured. If the tissues/bone you can see are gaping apart then there's no question that you must get it seen. It's one than 1/4 inch deep on the lower arm or better then it definitely needs to be treated.

You can try steri strips but that will not pull together the tissue that was cut underneath and you may end up with a fisheye gaping scar that can only be repaired by a plastic surgeon. Again it depends where and how bad, hoe deep. If any of the pearl colored tissues, yellowish tissue or tendeons are even knicked it needs to be repaired or it may rupture later on when you least expect it.

Your correct about the infection you need to worry about tetanus, even though you may be current on your shot it's just a preventative and if you have a fresh gash then you will need another shot. There may also be a need for either antibiotics either oral or injected.

It's best to go in urgent care asap before you end up with necrotic fasciitis, staff infection or some other issue. It only takes a smidgen of microscopic bacteria in the wound, which can happen by breathing on it while your working in it and in a couple days you could be fighting for your life quth sepsis - a blood infection caused by the lasceration.

Good luck.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:38:19
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