
2019-06-10 11:13 pm

The plot focuses on the evens leading up to, and the aftermath of, the March 30, 1981, assassination attempt on former President Ronald Reagan who served two terns in the White House from 1981 to 1989.

其中lead up to 這個片語我不熟,為甚麼他是用ing形式?還有leading up to 跟後面的the aftermath of ....這兩個如果分開寫是怎麼個寫法,就是在這裡腦袋卡住,望有人可以解惑,感謝。

這邊leading up to 是可以用before 來代替嗎?

回答 (3)

2019-06-11 12:29 am
> 其中lead up to 這個片語我不熟,為甚麼他是用ing形式?

(A) 不熟? 就是因為讀書讀太少了.而且最大的毛病就是 要研究每一句的文法,而忘記欣賞 整本書的情節.

(B) 為神用ing形式? 因為 它(leading up to...assassination attempt )被用來 當作 the evens的形容詞.

> 還有leading up to 跟後面的the aftermath of ....這兩個如果分開寫是怎麼個寫法,


(B) 好吧!我就分開給你看吧:
... on the events leading up to the the March 30, 1981, assassination attempt and ON the aftermath of it ...

> 這邊leading up to 是可以用before 來代替嗎?
不行! 因為 前者 有著 the events是assassination attempt 的導因的意思.要是換成後者(before)就失去這個意思了!
2019-06-11 8:00 am
the plot focuses on "two things" ... 劇情重點放在兩件事情:
(1) the events leading up to (導致) [the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt on former President Ronald Reagan ...]
(2) the aftermath of (餘波) [the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt on former President Ronald Reagan...]

The date "March 30, 1981" is used as an adjective to modify the following noun "assassination attempt"
--- (發生於)1981年3月30日的暗殺企圖

The sentence is the combination of the two objects (1) & (2) of the preposition ''on'' (after the verb "focuses") by using the conjunction "and" and removing one set of the common wordings.

The plot focuses on the events leading up to, "and" the aftermath of, the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt on former President Ronald Reagan who served two terns in the White House from 1981 to 1989.
*** the comma after 1981 is not necessary

"leading up to ..." 是分詞片語, 亦是關係從句的縮減。
the events "leading up to" the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt
= the events "which led up to" the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt

leading up to 是可以用 before 來代替嗎?
不能! 椐語意可用 causing 代替。
參考: 學無止境, 達者為先! 在此希望您努力,很快便可超越嘲笑您的人.
2019-06-11 1:25 am
(B) on the events(=evens) to March30,1981 assasin attempt(謀***之前後用)
---->leading up to導致 assasin attempt is "adjective phrase" to "events(noun)"
----->take the lead=take the leading place=to lead=give an example to in your FOR-FOR's propoesed statement
=both before and after
=take the leading lead by FOR-FOR
=direction given by going in front by FOR-FOR
=(A)'s usage.(之前之後此處項目可用)
=Killing to death is usually the aftermath 餘波of assasin the president by FOR-FOR
=outcome, consequence by FOR=FOR

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