What should I do?

2019-06-10 3:36 pm
My girlfriends best friend told me my girlfriend knows I’m the one but has the instinct to fool around with other guys before she wants to commit and I laid things out for her and she cried and said she wants to be with me and I know who those guys are. Should I make her block them?

回答 (4)

2019-06-10 4:20 pm
Don't be a cuckold. Make it very clear to her that you're not going to stick around if she wants to fool around with other guys. I'm sure she wouldn't let you do that and would also be very upset if you said something like that. If I were you I'd be very tempted to break up with her. It sounds like she's not ready or mature enough to be in a serious relationship.
2019-06-10 4:02 pm
So your g/f told her friend her secret and her 'friend' blabbed to you.......and you acted upon it and obviously went over the top with the anger out of the blue which obviously shocked and possibly frightened her. It made her cry so it was a big thing for her. NOT a good move. You have revealed something of yourself to your g/f that she didn't know before. Her friend has revealed too that she's not to be trusted. Should YOU have trusted her too? I wonder. You cannot 'make' anyone do anything they don't want to. I suspect your g/f is now considering whether you are an angry and jealous guy she wants to actually commit to whereas before she was only thinking casual thoughts about commitment. That best friend has done both of you a lot of damage....and maybe a favour in the long run.
2019-06-10 3:42 pm
Absolutely. It sounds like she really DOES like you a lot, BUT but she also has hoe tendencies.

You need to lay down the law and really enforce things, and monitor her phone and whereabouts and her Facebook etc, otherwise she’s obviously going to cheat if she can get away with it.

It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like you, it just means that she is a wet hoe with no self control and if you allow her privacy, she’ll abuse that trust and cheat on you. Hoes will be hoes

The difference is, if a hoe doesn’t really care about you, she will just dump you if you try to “control her”. But if she does respect you and like you a lot, then she won’t like being controlled buttttt she will still allow it because deep down she really likes/loves you and doesn’t want to leave you
2019-06-10 4:08 pm
You can’t make her do anything

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