請大神幫幫幫幫幫幫我回答 小妹我答不出問題?

2019-06-10 12:40 am
問:When you were a child, what job did you want to have?
問:What is your favorite type of movie?
問:What is something you often buy?
問:Let’s go to a concert.
問:What is something you often buy?
問:If you had a lot of money, what would you buy? Why?
問:Did you ever buy something that was very expensive?
問:Do you prefer shopping in stores or shopping online? Why?
問:What is something you want to buy someday?

回答 (1)

2019-06-10 4:57 am
問:When you were a child, what job did you want to have?
答: I wanted to be the president of United States and I still do.

問:What is your favorite type of movie?
答: I like action movies.

問:What is something you often buy?
答: food.

問:Let’s go to a concert.
答: Sure, as long as everything is on you.

問:What is something you often buy?
答: food.

問:If you had a lot of money, what would you buy? Why?
答: I do have a lot of money and I like to buy food.

問:Did you ever buy something that was very expensive?
答: I did buy a few expensive cars.

問:Do you prefer shopping in stores or shopping online? Why?
答: Many things are OK to buy online but many others, like clothing, I like to buy in stores.

問:What is something you want to buy someday?
答:None. I live day by day.
2019-06-10 5:08 pm

問:When you were a child, what job did you want to have? 小時候想做的職業?
答: 怪怪的成人問題,小時候沒有想過要工作! A job that don t need to work.
問:What is your favorite type of movie? 喜歡的電影種類?
答: Romantic我喜歡浪漫不等於你
問:What is something you often buy? 你時常會買的東西?
答:Milk 要我回答一樣/數樣每週都買的東西必然是食物類。
問:Let’s go to a concert. 我們一起去音樂會?
答:這是邀請還是建議? No, I m busy.
問:What is something you often buy?
問:If you had a lot of money, what would you buy? Why? 有很多錢會想買甚麼?
答:I don t want to have a lot of money, so never give a thought.
問:Did you ever buy something that was very expensive? 買過很高價的東西?
問:Do you prefer shopping in stores or shopping online? Why? 網購或是實購?
答:Shop in store.
問:What is something you want to buy someday? 夢想未來會買的東西?
答:Unable to imagine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 22:55:01
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