wat would happen in any criminal used self guided rocket launcher against police helicopter during chase?would police still send helicopter?

2019-06-07 12:03 am

回答 (3)

2019-06-07 8:20 am
You would learn there is NO SUCH THING as a 'self guided rocket launcher' that CAN be fired from a moving vehicle available outside of the military.
2019-06-07 4:37 am
You have some serious issues, most of which involve violence against the Police. I trust you are seeing a therapist.

"Wat would happen in ..."

What would happen? The Police and the people killed on the ground when the helicopter crashed would file Federal felony charges - if "you" lived through the arrest.

Do I believe your statement that you are addicted to Ketamine? Yes, I do.
2019-06-07 12:11 am
they would send in National Guard F-16 and blast the car with an air-to-surface missile

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