My boyfriend suffers from depression. I recently broke up with him. Did I make the right decision?

2019-06-06 9:39 pm
We were together for 13 years and in that span of time, I tried to put up with his symptoms. I think I sacrificed a lot and I tried to be a very supportive girlfriend. However, last year, I lost my job and I got really depressed. I badly needed someone to comfort me but unfortunately, at that time, he came back. At that time I realized I couldn't go on with that kind of relationship. I realized I wasn't strong enough to endure the situation any longer so I decided to break up with him. (I still love him though.) He contacted me a couple of days ago hinting a reconciliation, and now I'm confused between following my hear or my head. I would appreciate any advice.

Sorry, that should have been 'ex-boyfriend'.

回答 (2)

2019-06-06 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After 13 years this is a decision only you can make. If you really miss him and think you can put up with his problems (they'll never go away, I'm sure you realize this) then go ahead and try to reconcile.

If you just don't think you can take this for the rest of your life, then don't.

I normally have a set opinion to do this or that but this one I feel like only you can make the best decision. Of course if you decide yes and then it doesn't work out you can break up with him again, or try to make a go of it if you say no and then change your mind but definitely try to make the best decision.

I guess the best question that comes to my mind is, do you really miss him? Not do you miss being in a relationship or are you lonely or miss some of the times you had, but do you really miss HIM. If yes, then maybe you should call him back, if no then maybe not; if you just aren't sure then I'd probably say no.
2019-06-06 10:14 pm
You're probably depressed because you were around depression for thirteen years. Instead of handling the lay-off by moving forward and looking for another job, seems you may have taken on the boyfriend's personna.

I wouldn't go back to someone who is depressive, especially if he's not doing anything to go about making his own journey toward recovery. What use would it be? How would it improve YOUR life?

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