How many ex do you have?

2019-06-05 6:01 pm

回答 (27)

2019-06-05 6:09 pm
Thankfully, none. I've been happily married to the same woman for 62 years.
2019-06-05 7:24 pm
Zero, never dated
2019-06-05 11:22 pm
I lost count a long time ago.
2019-06-05 10:49 pm
None because I never had a girlfriend in my life.
2019-06-05 7:58 pm
Zero, never dated. Forever alone.
2019-06-06 10:00 am
Nine X-Girlfriends, before my wife found me, when I was 26.
2019-06-06 8:23 am
I've never had a girlfriend.
2019-06-05 7:47 pm
4 and a late husband.
2019-06-07 7:07 pm
'Having' implies that I've kept them. I have none.
2019-06-06 11:54 am
only and only 1 no one have been ask me since then
2019-06-05 8:44 pm
I don't have any.
2019-06-05 6:52 pm
2 online exes
2019-06-05 6:43 pm
3 officially, I'd say
2019-06-05 6:07 pm
Too many, sad really..
2019-06-05 11:49 pm
maybe 9-10. But only about 5 of them were really serious
2019-06-09 9:45 am
Depends if a one night stand can be considered an "ex", or only a long term relationship fits that description..
2019-06-07 9:53 am
In life? I'd say about 4
2019-06-07 1:52 am
None. zero.
2019-06-06 11:15 pm
0 I have been single for my whole life..🤧
2019-06-06 10:45 pm
I’ve never dated.....
Forever alone.
2019-06-06 10:34 pm
How many ex WHAT do I have???
2019-06-06 9:19 pm
3 of which the breakups weren't that bad, the last of which was hell.
I suppose that depends on who loves who the most. You'll find the people you love who can hurt you the most probably never loved you quite as much as you loved them. In this case I suppose some of my other breakups were them loving me more than I loved them. However, I never did extremely selfish things to them only to then break up with them because I couldn't take the guilt. If somebody hurts you in a selfish way, don't expect them to be the ones to help. You need to know when to walk away because they'll only hurt you again and again, even if they don't intend it. Unforuantely I found my last ex did intend it. As a way to escape all the problems she was causing she seemed to create more. Ironic and foolish but then again there I was sticking around. LOL
2019-06-06 7:48 pm
As far as I can remember, I technically have 4
2019-06-06 7:40 pm
I never had a girlfriend
2019-06-06 6:15 pm
I have had many many girlfriends, But I am happily married and have been for a long time now.
2019-06-05 6:39 pm
Over 30.
2019-06-05 6:39 pm
none. i dont have any

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