請問這句:She was so beautiful walking into the church.,請問walking是主詞補語,或分詞片語或受詞補語,又或者是分詞構句變來的?請知道的大大為我解惑,謝謝~^_^?

2019-06-05 2:08 pm

回答 (4)

2019-06-07 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
以分詞構句來看的話,原句應該要是:She was so beautiful who was walking into the church.
然後因為前後兩句的主詞一樣(都是she),所以「who was」可以省略
所以分析後的句子應該是:She was so beautiful (who was) walking into the church.
1 She was so beautiful.
2 She was walking into the church.
所以walking into the church的意思在這時是翻成:正在走入那個教堂「的」

參考: 學英文有十年以上的自身資歷
2019-06-06 12:13 am
She was so beautiful walking into the church.
= She was so beautiful (as she was) walking into the church.

walking into the church 在這裡是省略 as she was,屬於副詞性質的分詞構句。表示在她步入教堂的「當下」,她很漂亮。


As she was walking into the church, she was so beautiful.
= Walking into the church, she was so beautiful.


She, who was walking into the church, was so beautiful. 也是正確的寫法,但這是另一種全然不同的寫法,若要省略 who was,前後逗號還是必要的:

She, walking into the church, was so beautiful.

但無論如何,它是不可能省略成 She walking into the church was so beautiful. 的,並且如此一來,它也不是原句用來表達「時間」的寫法,而是用來形容她本人當時的狀態。
2019-06-06 12:39 pm
這句少了—亇逗号,以致文法錯誤,全句為She was so beautiful, walking into the church. 其中walking 所引導分詞片語当副词修飾其前主要子句
2019-06-08 3:44 am
******** following is copied from internet for your reference *********

In English, participle phrases are mainly used in writing in order to put a lot of information into one sentence.
When shortening or combining clauses with a participle construction, keep the following rules in mind:
- Both clauses should have the same subject.
- The less important part becomes the participle phrase. Important information should always be in the main clause.
- Make sure, you use the correct participle form (see above).
- The conjunctions as, because, since and relative pronouns who, which are left out.
- The conjunctions before, when are used in the participle phrase.
- The conjunctions after, while can be used or left out.

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