How do I know if he still wants to talk to me, or even more, interested?

2019-06-04 11:04 pm
Been chatting with this guy online for a little more than a year and a half now. At first, he seems really enthusiastic and if I was right, had feelings for me as he kept dropping hints, which I didn t notice at first.

After around eight months, he stopped contacting me for no reason. I was worried but didn t say anything at first as I assumed he wanted some alone time. I missed talking to him and the fun time we had so I finally reached out to him after three months, and he replied like nothing happened. Then he never initiates contact again but he always replied when I messaged him. Though the time varies, ometimes in seconds but sometimes a few days before he would message back.

I just thought about it and realized he might had a crush on me way back, but he never said anything out right so I just overlooked it.

He is a capricorn and people always say that this suddenly disappearing act is normal, and that they are usually pretty reserved so I shouldn t be worried. However when I first met him online he didn t have this problem at all, or was I overthinking? I want to know if his slow and passive replies means if he is annoyed at me, or if it is just normal?

回答 (2)

2019-06-10 12:19 am
2019-06-05 7:07 pm
One reason for his pulling away might be that he has found another focus in his life other than chatting with you online. It doesn't necessarily have to mean that he's found a new romantic interest or he has grown tired of you; it could simply mean that he's now focusing more on school, work, hobby, family, etc..

Do you guys know each other in person? Online friendship/relationship can be extremely fragile because words can be sputtered out without any repercussion or accountability being considered.

My suggestion for you is to directly tell him that you've missed your connection with him. Reach out and ask to meet up in person if you're both of the legal age and if you feel comfortable. Worst case scenario is he rejects you because he's not interested in seeing you romantically at least for now. Either way, you're losing him whether you reach out or not because he's pulling away regardless you do something extra or not. But if you do tell him how you feel, and he reciprocates, then you would have a happy outcome.
2019-06-05 9:35 am
My idea is he is not interested on you now ... but not sure in the future

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