Feeling so sad, met a new guy I thought he was pretty cool at first, but then it came to sex, he started asking me if I was attracted?

2019-06-02 9:26 am
To women then if I would try a threesome, then if I would try with two men. I don t like any of it! I actually feel very insulted that ask me to do this! So far every man in the last two three years, want me to do these sexual acts. Don t want to be treated like a sexual object. I m not into all that. Am I wrong to feel this way?

回答 (6)

2019-06-02 10:06 am
No, you’re not wrong. They’re wrong. It’s the internet porn generation. But you will find a man who loves you in a way that honours you. Keep looking; he is out there; reject the rest and keep yourself pure for him.
2019-06-02 9:56 am
No you not wrong in feeling that way, stand up for what you feel is right, walk away.
2019-06-02 11:21 am
Dress classier, you may be attracting the wrong types of men
2019-10-22 5:28 am
Find better don’t feel bad at all
2019-06-02 10:37 am
You are perfectly within your rights to feel about this exactly as you wish to. Sounds, to me, like you are meeting your "new guys" in similar places. So you just turn them down and move away and don't see them anymore. Making room in your life for a man more to your interests. Find new places to meet men. Different sorts of places. Different sorts of men.
2019-06-02 9:34 am

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