What is the difference between Colored People, as in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?

2019-06-02 2:55 am
If the term "colored person" is politically incorrect, why is "person of color" politically correct?" They're the same thing -- same words even.

What is the difference between Colored People, as in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and just plane "colored people?" And, don't call me racist; it's just a question.


I didn't mean to ask it twice. I edited the question to make it more clear but couldn't delete the original.

回答 (13)

2019-06-02 2:59 am
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They can call them self that and the n word and all sorts of things

but you can't
2019-06-02 3:00 am
I've called them coloreds or colored people, and people don't care, I don't see what the big deal is. I think only left-wing activists care.
2019-06-02 3:01 am
The NAACP was founded over a hundred years ago and hasn't changed its name.

Avoid using outdated terms and you'll be fine. Don't play naive. It's not that difficult to use current terminology when referring to minorities, so don't try to pretend that it is.
2019-06-02 3:01 am
Words mean what people use them to mean. Decades ago, "colored people" was the polite term people used- those who did not want to call African Americans ugly names. But the discrimination and oppression continued, and the term came to be associated with that. So the polite term changed. Mr. Smartypants is right about the phrase "people of color" being more inclusive. The definition of "white" is "the absence of color". So if we're going to call some people "white", it makes sense to refer to non-whites as people of color.
2019-06-02 3:00 am
Being politically correct only applies to bleeding heart white liberals.
2019-06-02 2:58 am
There IS a difference.

'Colored person' means a black person. It's a euphemism from decades ago. The NAACP goes back a long way, founded in 1909. I think they should have changed their name long ago, but perhaps being recognized as the respectable 100-year-old organization they are is more important to them.

'Person of color' means anyone who isn't white--Hispanics, Asians, Polynesians, etc. are 'people of color'. The point being that racial discrimination isn't JUST a problem for blacks, but for anyone who isn't white.
2019-06-18 2:20 am
In the U.K. it seems to have become the 'in' thing to refer to a black person as 'a person of colour'. Well I'm British, born of British parents both of whom were born of British parents for as long ago as records show but I am not white (in fact none of my ancestors were white as far as I know). FOR ALL THOSE GENERATIONS WE WERE (AND STILL ARE) pink.

The only really white people I have ever seen are albino people. Those are people from many races who have a condition which prevents them having pigment in their skin. I've seen African albino people, eskimo albino people etc. etc. and they are WHITE. Those people usually referred to as white people (British, French, German, Dutch etc.) are not actually white.
2019-06-02 3:26 am
"Colored People" is reflective of a time a rampant racism. It is an outdated term. The NAACP was established during that time; and African-Americans, Blacks, people of color are proud of that heritage.

That being said, I personally like the term, "colored people." I think it is flattering in a sense, but until the term goes full circle and becomes the identity name of choice, I will respect the wishes of the race and refer to them as "people of color."
2019-06-17 10:24 pm
It's a special club for special people.
2019-06-02 3:01 am
The colored boy was seen running from the police after shooting a white man.
2019-06-02 2:56 am
no one is debating whether or not those two phrases are different. because they are clearly the same thing. and very offensive. since we technically all have color, this isnt the 1940s so lingo like that is just in poor taste.
2019-06-03 11:09 am
As being human , we all have different color of skins , if not being racist or color bar or color prejudice ,we all are the same as being the people of the world. So for social point of view we are the same in all respect , living under the same law of every country in the world. So it the drama of he political people point of view, then pretend to call colored people as person of color as to your mention. If political people do not posses of being racist , then there would no problem of having color different of all mankind in the sight of GOD.
2019-10-14 3:24 am
You are purposely acting ignorant on this, as others have noted.
If you feel that it might offend someone, why say it?
You know times when others have said things to you that offend you. You think 'they know that would offend me, so why do they say it? They are acting like a jerk.'
BTW, race is a social and often cultural notion. It has no scientific basis. There are many 'white' Hispanics and 'white' [enter cultural or geographic demographic here].
Think of it this way: It's the same as gender. Gender is a social or cultural construct. Society states what is to be attributed to male or female.
EX: girls like Barbies. Boys like model trains. Women like fashion, men like power tools.
No one person stays strictly inside their culture's gender ID. Everyone deviates from what their current social construct dictates.
Now our sexual identity is male or female. It is concrete. It does not change unless we go to reconstructive surgery.
Gender changes through generations. And it differs in cultures.
So equate race with gender. It depends on the culture and the generation as to what 'race' one is.
And you know doggone well that 'coloured person' is a current offensive term. It carries negative connotations from a time when Caucasians more-dominated the social and legal atmosphere to the detriment of non-whites.
The NAACP probably hasn't changed it's name because no one refers to it other than it's acronym AND they are a long-standing known institute. Changing the name would mean changing the acronym, which most people would probably not realize that this is the same institution.
Again, why use a term that you know is offensive to someone when there are better terms to use.
Would you like it if I used the 'H' word on you? [And don't say yes because we all know you'd be lying]

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