如果真的要消失,那消失前最大的願望,就是找到像我一樣對你好的人 需要中翻英 謝謝?

2019-06-01 11:47 pm

回答 (3)

2019-06-02 2:57 am
不管是Google 還是Yahoo ,都有中翻英例句的功能,但前提是自己要有國中程度英文文法的基礎,例如什麼詞接在什麼詞後面要加什麼介系詞之類的,設若沒有國中程度英文文法的基礎,那就只好當一個在地的有錢人,去找幫政府機關作外國文書驗證翻譯的民間公司翻譯呦,呵呵。👌
2019-06-02 2:31 pm
If it is really to disappear, let me hope the greatest wish before I disappear, will be to find someone else who is as friendly agreeable to you as I am.^^w^^什麼詞接什麽詞後要加介系詞:-
eg:-will love (for) someone else.
eg:-will be (to find) someone loved.
eg:-agree (to you) that I'm the lover.
eg:-agree (about) whether to accept my love now.
eg:-agree (upon) where is your new lover ?
2019-06-01 11:49 pm
Google translation 能幫你解決問題

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