【Such a man as the man who lies isn't worth our praise. 】1.此句子的文法結構是? 2.此句子中,子句是哪一段? 是什麼的子句? 3.lies是動詞? 為何能接isn't?

2019-06-01 3:08 pm

回答 (3)

2019-06-01 6:12 pm
such a(article) man(n) as a (article) man(n) isn t...
=same kind or degree
=such a man as that man
=(That) man isn t worth our praise.
---such a man as that man who lies------adj,clause of reason.
2019-06-01 4:00 pm
such ... as是用來舉例的。
There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Such a man as the man who lies isn't worth our praise.
主要子句:A man isn't worth our praise.
附屬子句:who lies用修飾the man,對其範圍加以限定。屬形容詞子句。
such ... as the man對a man加以限定。
全句是一個complex sentence
2019-06-01 11:34 pm
such (determiner) 用以指出某些種類的人或事物
such ... as/who/that

全句是一個 simple sentence SVC
Subject = such a man as the man who lies
Verb = isn't (linking verb)
Complement = worth (adjective) our praise
譯: 這種說謊的男人不值我們的讚許. (such a liar isn't worth our praise.)

[such a man as the man who lies]
as = preposition
the man who lies = object of preposition
who lies = restrictive relative clause modifying "the man"

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