Help for my German Shepherd?

2019-06-01 3:22 am
Hello everyone,
My sweet puppy is in immense pain and needs help as soon as possible Rex needs surgery on his back legs because he has super painful and intense tears and torn ACLs and the surgery alone is at MINIMUM going to be $9000!!
I am asking if you could donate something to help out his surgery and get him help quicker, and if you can or can not donate to share it with someone who may be able to.
I really appreciate you looking into this and helping out,

回答 (6)

2019-06-01 3:32 am
I'm sorry but I'm certainly not going to put in for the fundraising although I do appreciate the situation your poor dog is in.

If you can't raise the money then go back to the vet and talk to him about lateral sutre's which will not cost as much.

You can't leave him in this condition.
2019-06-01 9:34 am
It is AGAINST Yahoo RULES to TROLL for money, regardless of why. Vets will accept Credit Care, apply for it & use that.
2019-06-01 6:09 am
It's against the terms of use for this site to solicit money here.
2019-06-01 4:54 am
Have it put down then

You own the dog and since its you dog you need to suck it up and pay the vet bills yourself or have it put down. No one will pay the bill for you
2019-06-01 3:41 am

Your question will be removed cause it is against all the rules & regs to do what you are doing. & How do I know you aren't just some scammer? This is not the place for this kind of thing. Rig you up an 'fund me' account.
2019-06-01 4:40 am
A puppy with ACL tears? What did you do with him? Go rock climbing? Did you neuter him?
I'm sorry he's injured, but those problems at a young age will be just the beginning of a lifetime of problems. It may be more humane to euthanize him now.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:33:32
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