Renting house or duplex. Will some landlords reconsider no pets clause if I'm willing to pay a deposit or sign some contract?

2019-05-31 2:46 pm
Just want to know if it is worth discussing.

回答 (16)

2019-05-31 8:39 pm
As a landlord I would be leery of someone asking me this when I don't say I will. A tenant after he moved in asked if I would consider a dog & I told him no. He sneaked in a dog, and then sneaked in a roommate who also had a dog.
2019-05-31 8:03 pm
Some will. But most have that in their leases for a reason. Replacing carpet due to pet stains/urine is very expensive. A few hundred extra dollars for a pet deposit won't be enough.
2019-05-31 9:46 pm
Probably not.
2019-05-31 9:04 pm
You can ask. If the landlord agrees, you can expect to pay an additional pet deposit, and possibly a nonrefundable pet fee and additional pet rent.
2019-05-31 5:36 pm
Doubtful, hence the "no pets" policy. You can ask but probably a waste of time.
2019-06-01 10:43 am
Some will. Most won't.
2019-05-31 6:12 pm
Always ask. The worst they can do is say no.
2019-05-31 2:50 pm
SOME will for sure. It won't hurt to ask, but you might have to pay an extra monthly 'pet' charge
2019-05-31 4:45 pm
Sure many landlords will consider renting to you with pets, many landlords tend to use a contract proforma or a letting agent who use the same standard contract which states no pets, so it is importent to ask the question to the individual landlord as it is their property, not the agents.
I am a landlord I do not have a 'no pet clause' and use a managing agent who is pet friendly. I do not charge 'pet deposits' or 'pet rent' and over the last 16 yrs had tenants with pets who have looked after my property ( better than those who have had children) I have pets myself and consider them part of my household/family so I see no diffference with my tenants
2019-06-01 7:33 pm
It will do no harm to ask.
2019-06-01 7:06 am
you can ask. They'll probably say no though
2019-06-01 5:28 am
Possibly but you time might be better served looking for a place that already allows pets rather than trying to get one that doesn't to change their mind. No harm in asking but they probalby are still going to say no.
2019-06-01 4:14 am
That is up to the landlord. Each landlord is an individual with individual rules.
2019-06-01 1:46 am
Some would but most will not. They have a no pets rule for a reason & are usually pretty firm on it.
2019-05-31 11:13 pm
2019-05-31 4:04 pm
Probably not. If they were willing to consider that, they would have said so up front. If they put "no pets", it's because they don't want any pets.

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