Why do girls hate and gang up on other girls for no reason? Especially when the girl is very nice! Please can someone help!?

2019-05-31 7:50 am
I've noticed a pattern. Girls would be so mean to me for no reason & pick on me when I did not talk to them at all, did nothing wrong (tho im not perfect) & I was a really nice person. They gave me evil stares, talked behind my back or even in front of me, whispering stuff to each other. They'd start random arguments with me and I would mostly ignore them, but when I snapped back, people would say I was argumentative. Like why?? I have to defend myself sometimes. I always got the blame. Most girls were really hostile, spiteful & so full of negativity to me. Not once were these ppl genuine or kind. It was just really strange, because sometimes I thought I was overthinking it and always played victim. But the same girl who once called me argumentative, witnessed about 6 girls target me by namecalling. She was shocked! so I was not making it up! But it's so strange that I got all this hate. It's so unhealthy that 1 person is targeted like this by the majority of girls. There was not one nice person who was different (besides my mates). It was like they were all out to get me. Also they don't pick on the quiet and friendless 'weird' people, but me. They just find me to be annoying. I just kept to myself most of the time. I hardly connected with anyone in my school, like I was the odd one out. People would think I was a snob or stuckup. But thats because they didnt wanna know me, so I just gave up trying. They would respect other girls, but me. Why did this all happen?? Thank you!

回答 (5)

2019-05-31 10:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is always a reason why girls gang up on other girls, it's just that the reason may not be known to the girl who is being bullied. Notice this example.

Hannah, a beloved wife of Elkanah, faced a particular trial. She remained barren [childless] while Elkanah’s other wife, Peninnah, produced offspring. (1 Samuel 1:4-7.) Hannah was taunted by Peninnah “year after year.” [Peninnah no doubt, hated Hannah because Hannah was the wife that Elkanah loved.] That caused Hannah great anguish and distress. She sought relief by taking the matter to Jehovah [God's personal name] in prayer. Indeed, “she prayed for a long time to Jehovah.” Did she expect Jehovah to grant her request? She must have hoped so. In any event, “her face was no longer downcast.” (1 Sam. 1:12, 17, 18) She trusted that Jehovah would either put an end to her being childless or fill the lack in some other way.

Trials and tribulations will continue as long as we are imperfect and are in this world under Satan’s control. (1 John 5:19) How good it is to know, though, that Jehovah is “the God of all comfort”! One way that we can receive help to deal with our personal trials or tribulations is through prayer. Hannah poured out her heart to Jehovah. Similarly, in the face of tribulation, we need to do more than simply mention to Jehovah how we feel. We need to supplicate [beg or plead] him, yes, to convey our feelings by praying intensely from the heart.​ (Philippians 4:6, 7)

Notice the outcome for Hannah at 1 Samuel 1:19, 20: "Then they got up early in the morning and bowed before Jehovah, after which they returned to their house in Ramah. Elkanah had sexual relations with his wife Hannah, and Jehovah gave attention to her. Within a year Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son and named him Samuel, because, as she said, “it is from Jehovah that I have asked him.” You can have a positive outcome, as well, if you pour out your heart to God. He will hear you and help you!
參考: Bible; jw.org
2019-05-31 8:03 am
Because their assholes
2019-05-31 8:46 am
cause theyre rnean
2019-05-31 7:53 am
I don't make friends with many girls. Mostly boys. There's something wrong with girls, no matter how old they are - even now when my childhood friends are old enough to have babies, they still look at me like a weirdo and pick faults against me. They mostly target girls who don't fit in, girls who are not so girly or girls who think differently from other people. It's just what they are.
2019-05-31 8:56 am
ego, narcissism, arrogance

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