ladies to you like wear wedges heelss with your sun dresses?

2019-05-31 2:54 am

回答 (4)

2019-05-31 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wedges look awesome with sundresses, and I will typically wear wedges if I’m in a sundress. Wedges are great because they are comfortable and easy to walk in, especially in higher heights. My 6” wedges are probably 5x easier to walk in than my 6” pumps.
2019-05-31 5:13 am
I wear usually wear both but I have been wearing Wedges more in the hot weather with my summer sun dresses,
2019-05-31 3:04 am
wedges i cant walk in heels
2019-05-31 8:59 pm
Most definitely

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