Sugargliders as pets?

2019-05-30 11:02 pm
I want a pet sugar glider but know nothing about them, so I’m doing some research before deciding wether they’re a god pet for me or not. I’ve been trying to figure out wether they have to be kept in a cage or if they can roam free around the house, but can’t seem to find any answers on google so was homing someone could tell me on here. I would rather let them roam free around the house as I don’t like caging animals, however not sure if that would be possible with this species?

回答 (8)

2019-05-31 12:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Gliders can be great pets for the right people, they are very demanding of time and care. They should be kept in pairs or more and in a large cage. At least some out of cage free roam daily is best.
They will jump to you, climb on you, but their claws are quite sharp and cause discomfort and they can't be trimmed or cut. Expect to clean after them, they don't potty train well.
Do your homework well before considering them and use best judgement.
2019-05-30 11:15 pm
They should be in a large cage with multiple cage mates.
If you have a large enough cage, it isn't cruel. Letting them free roam is very dangerous and likely to get them hurt or even killed.
They are not cheap pets either. They need specialty vet care, specialty food, and in general are expensive to purchase initially. They have a similar cost of care as a ferret or a chinchilla. They are exotic pets that are not easy to care for.
2019-05-30 11:09 pm
A few months ago, you didn't have money to seek veterinary care for your badly injured hamster. Has your financial situation altered significantly? Because sugar gliders are substantially more expensive to care for than a hamster. And yes, they need a (very large) cage. They cannot be house-trained and their waste smells incredibly foul. They're also highly destructive and will chew and gnaw on your possessions.
2019-05-31 1:27 am
1. BIG cage
2. specialty diet, it needs insects, hard boiled egg yolk, and others, it's not just a dry diet.
3. they're nocturnal and they do make noise
4. they're communal, they don't do well as single animals
5. they're expensive
2019-06-01 2:07 pm
YouTube! It’s the best source on finding out about animals, with a vet of course! It’s nice to see people’s personal experience before you go out and buy one and it’s not what you expect!
2019-05-31 3:08 am
Pay to get her spayed.
2019-05-30 11:32 pm
it is evil to have sugargliders as pets
2019-05-30 11:05 pm
This question is a troll question, I repeat this question is a troll question. Do not feed the troll.

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