lnx + c = ln2x what is c?

2019-05-30 8:16 am
I know they both have the same derivative so the difference is in a shift up, so what is c in this case and how do you find it?

回答 (4)

2019-05-30 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
The way I looked at this was to split up the ln(2x) into the sum of two logs:

ln(x) + c = ln(2x)
ln(x) + c = ln(2) + ln(x)

Since the log of a product is the same as the sum of the logs.

Now we can subtract ln(x) from both sides:

c = ln(2)
2019-05-30 9:29 am
lnx+c = ln(2x) = ln2+lnx
c = ln2
2019-05-30 8:21 am
Ln(x )+ c = ln(2x)

c = ln(2)
2019-05-30 9:25 am
ln(x) + c = ln(2x) =>
c = ln(2)

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