Do you tip?

2019-05-29 11:32 pm

回答 (94)

2019-05-31 3:35 am
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Rarely , no need to where i live , people get paid for the work they do
2019-05-30 6:05 am
Always. Especially in a service setting. Most people don’t realize servers make $2.50 on average before tips which is far less than minimum wage. They rely on them for consistent income.
2019-05-30 4:23 am
Yes always. from restaurant waiters to barbers to taxi drivers,
2019-05-29 11:53 pm
all the time
2019-05-31 4:24 am
no. pay your own damn employees, bltch
2019-05-30 12:39 pm
Of course
2019-05-31 12:34 am
If the service is good, yes. But it is getting crazy with that "tip jar" by the register when you go to an ice cream store or something. I feel for wait staff that get paid so little and expect tips to make up for such low salary. However I resent the fact that in order to get a meal at a restaurant you have to pay for the food you are eating and make up for the salary the restaurant isn't giving it's workers. I go out knowing that my waitress is getting paid crap an is relying on my tip to make up for her low pay. So I tip. I still cant help feeling a bit resentful. No disrespect. :)
2019-06-03 3:37 am
Yes but also depends on the type of service. I tip my hairdresser and my food server if it's not a buffet. If I have to get up and get my own food I do not tip. I also do not tip coffee baristas. All they do is make and hand me my cup of coffee so I don't know why I should pay extra for that?? Also, I would tip at nail salons or any kind of professional service where I felt the server did a very good job
2019-05-31 1:40 am
Yes sometimes
2019-05-30 7:51 pm

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