What time is it on the moon?

2019-05-27 7:34 am

回答 (13)

2019-05-27 7:37 am
For a landing mission, it's whatever time it is at Mission Control.
That's what the Apollo missions did.

If there were an international moon landing mission, similar to the ISS, they would probably use Greenwich Mean Time.

2019-05-27 7:58 am
Since time is relative there would be no absolute time on the moon. You would have to decide what that time is relative to. If there was a mission of astronauts landing on the moon it might be relative to the time and place that they left on their mission. If it is relative to the some other event in the universe it wold be relevant to that time in the universe of concern. . Time on earth is measured by the earth''s rotations around the sun but the moon is also rotating around the earth and subject to other gravitational pulls so we always measure time by earth orbits but if we were living on another planet we would not but by the rotations around its star of that planet.. In any case this is one of the most interesting questions I have ever seen on Yahoo answers. because simple as it might seem it is anything but simple.
2019-05-27 8:47 am
Coordinated universal time. 12:46 am May 27, 2019.

2019-05-28 2:35 am
It is 'right now', on the Moon.
2019-05-28 12:00 am
Same as here. Moonday.
2019-05-27 2:03 pm
I dunno... but I'm sure they're on Moonlight Savings Time.
2019-05-27 11:25 am
it's now on the moon .
2019-05-27 11:25 am
Eastern Standard Time, since that's the time zone of the capital of the nation that owns the moon.
2019-05-27 7:46 am
what time would you like it to be?
2019-05-27 7:35 am
whatever YOU want it to be .........................
2019-05-28 6:37 am
Cheese and crackers
2019-05-27 10:11 pm
Whatever the time is on Earth at the place when you can measure the shortest distance between them.
2019-05-27 6:02 pm
Good question. :)

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