Help, date or not?

2019-05-27 6:00 am
A guy I wanted to like me because he seemed cool and mature, wants to actually date me now, but now that i know him better, he is definitely not what I thought he was. He's kind and all, but I'm more attracted to confidence and a guy where we're on the same wavelength and maturity level, but this guy is a little less mature, younger than me, and not that confident (not that i'm saying that's necessarily bad or anything bc I struggle with that, too).

回答 (3)

2019-05-27 6:44 am
That happens all the time.
We cannot see someone clearly until we have gotten to know them better, and often once that happens we discover they don't match the fantasy we had about them, and we don't really care for the reality of who they are.

How lucky you are that you two weren't dating. During the time it took to get to know him, IF you had been dating through that period, you would now be addicted to him and trying, struggling to make it work.
It is the people who date and fall in love with their fantasy about the other person who end up heartbroken

It really takes about 2 years of dating to KNOW who the other truly is. And while we don't always lose interest (or they don't lose interest), the majority of the time it doesn't last once we start to see each other for real.
2019-05-27 6:04 am
Why don't you go out on a single date with him and see how you feel after that - kinda a test date.
2019-05-27 6:01 am
You answered your own question. If you are not attracted to him then dont date him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:39:10
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