When are the band tool going to stop being wankers and get their awesome music on spotify?

2019-05-25 8:26 am
Why are they such clowns about it, what are they trying to prove. They need to get with the times the 90s are over.

回答 (2)

2019-05-25 11:46 am
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Maynard James Keenan is a douchebag... that is well documented, he treats fans like sh*t at concerts and goes on a tirade when he sees fans with cell phones and he won't ever agree to have there music put on spotify because again he is a douche. I like tool as much as the next guy though and I ain't gonna stop listening to a musician because I personally dislike one man from the group... I went and bought there album lateralus because it's the only one that really matters to me and I went on with my life.
2019-05-26 3:58 pm
Because they know what their music is worth. Spotify pays artists very little for their music. Tool isnt the only band that does not have their music on there. Artists work hard to put out songs and albums. If they are going to put it on a platform like Spotify. They need to get more for their music. Also Tool has never been one to go with the flow. They do things their own way. Even if Spotify ups what they give to the artists, Tool may never go onto Spotify.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:11:14
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