● "USA born, native English speakers how does it feel knowing many of us who don't speak English as our first language write it better than you?"
What the HELL does THAT question have to do with DOGS❓?❓?
"USA-born" I understand.
But there aren't many "native English speakers" there - most of them speak one of the several Yanklish patois. Indeed, in "My Fair Lady" Professor Henry Higgins:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3Vx0VvcQyY points out that the USA is one of the places where "they" haven't spoken a word of English in years,
● "Update: Not just write, but also speak and read. (There wasn't enough time to write all that)"
Oh really? I consider that there is PLENTY of time to write.
What there ISN'T plenty of in the first field is ROOM.
● "As for Spanish being a white language"
Where on EARTH do you get the idea that a language has a COLOUR - such as white for English?
You must be a racist to make any such mental connection! (No wonder you hide your avatar & user-name behind the cowardly bowler-hatted blue-faced [Anonymous] !) And you will have problems explaining how the quiet but-far-from-"white" Samoan boy who was my secondary school rival in 1955-56-57 went on to become a Professor of English at the university of my nation's largest city! And that his first 2 novels were made into films in my country, his 3rd novel won our NZ Book of the Year award in 1980, and a later book won the Asia-Pacific Commonwealth Writer’s Award in 1992. You would have HATED his 7-syllable first name - but he was kind and used his 2 syllable English middle-name in conversation.
King Les The Lofty - first pup in 1950; GSD breeder & trainer as of 1968