Don't you just love how Super Nancy gets under Donald Trump's thin skin?

2019-05-25 2:04 am

回答 (12)

2019-05-25 2:07 am
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It's amazing. Our little-Snowflake-in-Chief is the most easily triggered adult I've ever seen. And what kind of normal, intelligent human being would announce, "I am an extremely stable genius"? That's simply not something sane people would say about themselves. It's profoundly embarrassing.

The man's a flat-out lunatic with the responses of a deeply insecure 8-year-old.
2019-05-25 3:39 am
She works very hard at it.
2019-05-25 2:05 am
Not really. It's not much different than people getting overly proud about catching a fish (I mean how difficult is it to outsmart a fish).
2019-05-25 2:05 am
I do not have Schadenfreude in my personality. So no.
She was not elected to "get under Donald Trump's thin skin". That is petty and obnoxious.
2019-05-25 3:31 am
Its hilarious knowing that she is playing chess against his playing checkers.
2019-05-25 2:10 am
Thin skin? The establishment investigated him for two years under false pretenses all because they couldn't take losing. Tell me dear, how would you feel if someone was trying to nail you for a crime you didn't commit?
2019-05-25 2:10 am
Fake news
2019-05-25 2:06 am
2019-05-25 2:12 am
Super Nancy has a serious drinking problem no matter what you Libs say.
2019-05-25 2:11 am
the nancy that was too drunk that she couldn't talk right?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:32:54
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