Do you care about the Environment and Animals?

2019-05-23 2:38 pm
I do?

回答 (9)

2019-05-23 2:41 pm
Yes....I love animals and the environment is their home...and ours
2019-05-23 2:40 pm
I wished I had total control on it. I would do my best to keep everything exellent
2019-05-23 2:40 pm
Yes, I do.
2019-05-23 2:39 pm
I do things to encourage insects in my garden because they all have jobs to do and I think people kill too many, I think they keep the world going. They are not coming in though.
2019-05-23 7:09 pm
The environment and animals are tops on my list of things that I care deeply about.
2019-05-23 3:32 pm
Yes because i love cookie.
2019-05-23 3:30 pm
Of course.
2019-05-23 3:19 pm
Just animals.
2019-05-23 2:40 pm
after a long list of other things ..........................

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