Aquarius female and Aries female relationship?

2019-05-23 2:22 pm

回答 (4)

2019-05-29 7:34 pm
They make very good friends
but some jealousy from the Aries side. Aries women are too jealous.
2019-05-23 2:41 pm
Yes its a good match
2019-05-24 2:00 am
No astrologer compares signs .. we would lose our clients if we did that, because the results wouldn't work out as predicted.

In fact, no astrologer uses ONLY the Sun sign, either (that is what your month-day of birth gives you ... Sun-sign is a commercial venture to make money off of those who don't understand astrology).

If you want to see the astrological influences on how you interact with this other female, first you have to get the birthdata for both of you:
(1) day-month-year of birth
(2) EXACT time of birth: hour and minute (no vague or rounded-off birthtimes ... your results will only be as accurate as the birthtime is accurate, and even just an error of 4 minutes can make major changes in the evaluation).
(3) the place of birth

Once you have the birthdata for both of you, this site does a free "synastry" evaluation of how you two interact:

Understand, though, that all synastry comparisons show both harmony AND conflict.
And this reflect reality, since no relationship is free from conflict once we get close enough and our lives start to mesh (what one does affects our own situation in life). ALL relationships end up having conflict unless they are casual relationships.

Why bother with synastry? It indicates specifically how and why there is conflict, which MAY help both parties just relax and accept that things are not always going to be rosy between them.
Because THAT is what makes a relationship work. Not the attraction, love or chemistry .. but sufficient emotional maturity that we can relax and accept our partner, instead of getting angry or trying to make them change.
2019-05-23 5:11 pm
Yeah, I've been there for this Aries/Aqua moon friend.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:07:10
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