Need to pay an invoice of an accident?

2019-05-23 3:14 am
I haven’t ever paid an invoice, the fire department just showed up and then left. Do I mail a payment to that address? Pay it online? Do I mail a check or cash, and how do I prove its me paying.

回答 (6)

2019-05-23 3:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mail a check with a copy of the invoice. Put the invoice number on the "memo" line of the check. Mail it to the address on the invoice. Make sure you keep a copy of the invoice for your own records. Write your check number on your copy of the invoice.
2019-05-23 3:21 am
What invoice? Fire departments don't bill. You can make a donation if you like. Never, EVER, mail cash to anyone.
2019-05-23 4:26 am
If you are paying online and the money is coming out of your bank account? If yes, that is the proof.
2019-05-23 3:56 am
It should say on the check where to send payment, or how to pay online if you can - not all bills allow payment online. If you mail it, mail a check, never mail cash. Does the invoice have a part on the bottom to cut off and mail back with your check?
2019-05-23 3:46 am
Shouldn't be too hard to look up a phone number if you'd like to call and confirm. Otherwise, follow Anon's answer; check w/ invoice # written on it plus copy of invoice. Definitely keep records.
2019-05-23 3:25 am
I put a picture of it in the post
2019-05-23 3:23 am
Never mail cash...period. Send them a check, you can even send it certified if you want proof they received it.

Have you ever paid anything with a check before? Your bank will get it back...and you can have a copy.

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