Aries sun Aquarius moon Virgo rising and Aquarius sun Taurus moon Cancer rising ? Good match or no?

2019-05-22 7:19 am

回答 (3)

2019-05-23 1:04 am
Go to this website.
Enter your full date of birth, your exact time of birth, and where you were born.
And enter the same for the other person.
You get a free "synastry" evaluation of the two of you.

In astrology, interaction is determined by the "aspects" between planets, not by the Signs.
"Aspects" indicate certain distances between two planets, and some of these distances create a harmonious interaction between those two needs, while others create discordant interactions.
Whether you are looking at just your own personality, or looking at how your personality interacts with someone else, we focus on the "aspects". The Signs are an afterthought (a bit of fine-tuning on what the aspects show), but do NOT create harmony or discord.

All synastry has some discord and some harmony. Just as all of us, individually, have some of both within us. Just as all real-life relationships have problems once the honeymoon phase has died out.
What makes a relationship work is how well both of us handle our own inner emotional reactions. How well we can remain gentle and respectful (or, at least, civil) when we are upset, hurt or angry with our partner. No matter how much love there is, if one/both cannot master their own emotional responses the relationship will fall apart.

Now astrology is only an influence that you start out with in life. It cannot account for how much you may have (or may not have) grown and matured since you were born. But synastry CAN point out where and why conflict will arise between you and another. And sometimes understanding can help find a compromise.

But no synastry can tell you IF the two of you are a "good match" or not. The truth is that any two people of sufficient emotional maturity can make a relationship blossom with love and harmony. Chemistry only makes it harder to make it work long-term, because while there is a lot of positive emotional reaction, there is just as strong a negative reaction to the hurt and anger. And love is only 11% of what makes it work.
2019-05-22 3:19 pm
No, but I'd still give it a try....
2019-05-22 7:53 am
Astrology is magic not nature and no statistics exist for magic. Also astrology ignores statistics.

Use enough gasoline and any match will do.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:08:08
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