I create my own reality?

2019-05-22 1:56 am
why two people

different reaction on the same stimulus

回答 (5)

2019-05-22 3:13 am
We have two masters/ teachers to choose from: God, the Holy Spirit and the ego.
We get the interpretation of the event depending on the teacher.
2019-05-22 2:11 am
This is true to a degree.
We each create our own reality, but we also live in a shared reality too.

Our responses are based on genetics, environment we were subjected to, parenting, foods we consume, our physical, mental and emotional health, etc.
Much of the way we respond is based on wiring in our brain, due to the above listed factors.
2019-05-22 2:04 am
because your perception is your reality
2019-05-22 2:33 am
Our perceptions of reality are not always right, because our thinking is not always right.
2019-05-22 2:30 am
The soul is responsible to create its only reality and we do this one together. You can't always control what happens, but you are the decider of your reaction and response. In that way you are creating your experience. It is best to live with the Isness of life, being grateful for what is and not expecting things. That way you are off the roller coaster and can be more at peace. I am the same, for instance, if I am down to a few pennies in a coffee can or if I just came into a lot of money. No one would know the difference in me.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:30:11
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