Where should I have body hair (14 year old boy)?

2019-05-20 8:13 pm

回答 (5)

2019-05-20 11:41 pm
on the chest, eyebrows, face, and other extremities
2019-05-21 11:41 am
I am a 14 year old boy, how long would it take my hair to grow to ... I'm a 14 year old female and I have hairs on my chest, stomach, and back.
2019-05-20 11:35 pm
Underarms, Face, Legs arms and in your private part. Welcome to puberty. Hahahah
2019-05-20 9:27 pm
Same place(s) as yesterday.
2019-05-20 8:14 pm
a little under your arms, starting on legs possible arms from wrist to elbow, a little on your private area but I had none there at your age, I was 15

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