Im deeply attracted to 1940s women. Is this normal?

2019-05-20 6:06 am
I just for the first time watched the first Captain America movie. (Late i know) but my god Peggy Carter is so hot. I literally couldnt take my eyes off of her. Ive been attracted to women who dress like the 1940s for a long time i just like how it looks and the hairstyles. But Peggy Carter just wow! I feel like women who dress vintage like that are so hot and the hairstyles. I like shows and movies that are based around that time period because of the fact the women look so hot. Why is this vintage style so sexy to me. Is this normal?

回答 (7)

2019-05-20 9:58 am
1940's fashion for women is some of the most feminine and flattering of any era.

Not at all abnormal to find that attractive.
2019-05-20 12:45 pm
Every era had a beautiful look and an ugly look.
2019-05-20 6:32 am
Perfectly normal. I also find ladies' styles from the 20th century more attractive than today's. Even hairstyles. Everything was better in the 20th century: fashion, cars' appearances, Hollywood, singing talent, our country's economy.
2019-05-20 6:18 am
Probably. People like what they like 🤷‍♀️.
2019-05-20 6:07 am
I don't blame you, women nowadays act and dress like men!
2019-05-20 11:28 am
I am 34 at the moment and I find some women in their 40s attractive but this doesn't happen very often.
2019-05-20 7:03 am
Nope, since most are dead and buried by now

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 02:58:04
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