Is it true South Africa has the most income equality in the world?

2019-05-20 12:38 am
I have a friend from South Africa and he said since the ANC came to power income is distributed pretty equally and everyone has access to a home at least 50 square foot, water, electricity, internet.

Is this true? Why do right-wingers keep calling South Africa a failed state?

回答 (3)

2019-05-20 12:59 am
true enough
"Using the most recent figures, South Africa, Namibia and Haiti are among the most unequal countries in terms of income distribution – based on the Gini index estimates from the World Bank"
This would be considered successful by right wing standards. When the left wing tries to narrow the gaps in class distinction w/ measures like increasing minimum wage, taxing the wealthy etc., the right wing denounces that as socialism.
2019-05-20 2:58 am
U So. Africa ranks 118 in the world economy (CIA Factbook). And it's growth rate is only about 1%, where the major economic nations grow from 2 to 3% per annum. In general:

"Economic growth has decelerated in recent years, slowing to an estimated 0.7% in 2017. Unemployment, poverty, and inequality - among the highest in the world - remain a challenge. Official unemployment is roughly 27% of the workforce, and runs significantly higher among black youth. Even though the country's modern infrastructure supports a relatively efficient distribution of goods to major urban centers throughout the region, unstable electricity supplies retard growth. Eskom, the state-run power company, is building three new power stations and is installing new power demand management programs to improve power grid reliability but has been plagued with accusations of mismanagement and corruption and faces an increasingly high debt burden"

That is a failed state in most anyone's book.

BTW: Your 50 sq ft shelter...that's about the size of a jail cell. Hardly a house or even an apartment.
2019-05-20 2:18 am
"Income Equality" and "Income Inequality" are myths. There is no issue.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:31:12
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