Are suspenders too much?

2019-05-19 8:17 pm
One of my friends is getting married and he said if I wanted to match his groomsmen I can. They're wearing navy blue tuxedos with burgundy bow ties. I decided to wear white button up shirt, navy slacks, & a burgundy, but I also want to wear suspenders. And also as far as the shoes they'll be brown. Should I do dark or light brown?

回答 (7)

2019-05-19 9:11 pm
For the confused English, suspenders are braces. Not things women hold their stocking up with.
2019-05-19 8:47 pm
I would go dark brown for the shoes. If you are wearing a jacket think suspenders would be okay, if not they might be a little much.
2019-05-20 5:16 pm
Suspenders are geeky!
2019-05-20 11:32 am
The matching of suspenders and shirts is very much akin to matching ties an shirts.
2019-05-20 4:36 am
light brown
wear the suspenders
2019-05-20 2:21 am
you do not wear brown shoes with blue pants
2019-05-19 11:43 pm
Are you wearing a tuxedo or a sports jacket? With navy blue pants, stay away from brown shoes - black, please.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:03:07
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