Is there a cure for hair loss in men?

2019-05-19 2:12 pm

Asking for a friend, wonder if there are any known remedies or other protocol that can be taken to reduce male pattern baldness?

回答 (12)

2019-05-21 11:23 am
You can't always prevent hair loss in men, but you can learn more about how to reduce or prevent hair loss.
2019-05-19 4:52 pm
yes and no
2019-05-19 2:22 pm
there are chiniese and african remedies to treat but a cure may not be so easy to come accross
2019-05-22 12:16 am
Hair plugs is the only thing
But they look fake a lot of the time
2019-05-20 9:23 pm
Believe there's a hair loss treatment called Bosley or something where they find a piece of hair that is still growing on your head that hasn't balded and they basically pull it out from the root or they just barely extract that by surgically cutting around the skin and then carefully getting the hair all the way down to the root and then they surgically implanted that where your hair is balding and then that allows for more hair to grow in the areas that it wasn't but you have to talk to a professional and find out if you're at that stage where you're just naturally going bald and they can't fix that or if you can through something like that there might be possibly a point in your age where there's nothing that can be done even though that is a proven treatment that works for hair loss there might be a certain point when at a certain age that doesn't work anymore or what not like maybe at certain point Bosley treatment wouldn't work if you're certain age or maybe it'll work regardless
2019-05-20 6:35 am
It's mostly genetic. Wear a hat to cover the Chrome Dome.
2019-05-20 2:10 am
Yes, it's called death.
2019-05-19 2:48 pm
Rogain, with minoxidil, seems to work on about 80% of men.
2019-05-19 2:23 pm
try pumpkin seed oil internally
2019-05-19 10:39 pm
aloe vera may slow down the hair loss.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 02:58:58
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