Shall I wear red & black or bright pink & black?

2019-05-19 2:34 am
Its for a night out in a couple weeks for a bday.
I'm wearing a black kimono with pink and red roses on it.
I don't know whether to wear a red or bright pink playsuit with it?

回答 (6)

2019-05-19 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
oh cute! i would say whichever playsuit matches the roses in tone, if the roses are a neutral pink and the suit is a blue pink go for the red suit, for example.
2019-05-20 11:39 am
I wear black.
2019-05-19 3:18 am
Pink and black.
2019-05-19 2:53 am
red n black
2019-05-19 2:41 am
2019-05-19 2:34 am
i think they both sound okay

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