Is studying fashion technology worth it?

2019-05-18 8:34 pm
I mainly want to become a personal stylist, but a local community college's fashion technology program involves pattern-making and other similar things, and not really things involving styling. Anyway, is it worth it? They offer an associate's degree and certificates. Thank you!

回答 (6)

2019-05-18 9:05 pm
How do you define "styling"? Most people who want a stylist don't want to buy a dress or suit off the rack. They want something custom-designed for them, one-of-a-kind. You'd need to either have connections at a fashion house or be able to draft a pattern.
2019-05-20 11:43 am
Maybe you should pursue a Bachelor's degree in fashion design.not to mention you can grab the opportunity of designing clothes for famous
2019-05-18 11:50 pm
Just another soft option course that results in a meaningless qualification.
2019-05-18 9:04 pm
no..probably not
2019-05-18 8:45 pm
Study can give you the connections and opportunity to intern at the right places.
2019-05-18 8:43 pm
I think it's worth it. It will give you a chance to immerse yourself in more aspects of fashion, which could benefit your career later on. (Even if you don't get a degree, it could open other avenues, if your personal stylist "dream job" doesn't pan out). Good luck.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:02:30
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